Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Welcome to FREE JAMAL! 2010 campaign

The Free Jamal! 2010 campaign has been set up by the International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) to save Jamal Saberi (Jalal Amanzadeh Nouei) from deportation to Iran and certain danger to his safety and life.

The campaign has 3 goals:

1. To get Jamal Saberi released from detention immediately

2. To stop his deportation order

3. To grant him refugee status


Jamal Saberi (Jalal Amanzadeh Nouei) is a 42 year-old Iranian born man who moved to Japan in 1990.
In 1992 he started his political activities with a focus on human rights and publicising the Iranian regime’s human rights abuses. He is a public and outspoken opponent of the theocratic regime in Iran and his political activities and promotion of human rights had brought him to the attention of the Islamic Republic’s authorities. Thus Mr Saberi applied for political asylum in Japan in May 2002.

Mr. Saberi was arrested and detained by the Japanese Immigration Authorities on March 4, 2010 with the aim of deporting him to Iran.

IFIR has set up the Free Jamal! 2010 campaign to save Jamal Saberi from deportation to Iran as this would mean certain threat to his life and safety.

The campaign will include mobilising its members and supporters across the world and will focus on Japanese authorities but also its embassies across the world, to save Mr Saberi from deportation to Iran.

We are calling on all individuals and organisations to support Jamal Saberi in the fight to stop his deportation!

Patty Debonitas
Tel: +44 750 797 8745


protest letter:

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