Jamal Saberi is an Iranian activist who is currently in detention in Tokyo, Japan and under threat of deportation to Iran. This is the Free Jamal! 2010 campaign.
As part of the Global Day of Action for Jamal Saberi on Wednesday 31 March 2010, there will be protests in the following cities:
opposite the Japanese embassy
Address: 101-104 Piccadilly,
closest tube:
Info: 0750 797 8745
Japanese embassy
Hiroshimastr. 6
Info: 017624866317
Japanese consulate
Messeturm / Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49
Info: 015781688732
Japanese embassy
Gärdesgatan 10
115 27
Info: 0707175542 or 0735138704
Vancouver, Canada
11:00 a.m
Japanese Consulate
800-1177 West Hastings Down Town Vancouver
Info: 604.727.8986
Tokyo, Japan
In front of the Immigration office
In front of the Ministry of Justice
Please support Jamal and join us. The more people the Japanese government sees protesting in front of its embassies and consulates the quicker they will be forced to react.
If you can't come, please call, fax or email your local embassy or consulate on that day to add extra momentum to the campaign and please let us know about your messages to the Japanese embassy.
The details of embassies and consulates can be found here
Thank you!
Hambastegi International Federation of Iranian Refugees(IFIR)
プレスリリース FJC1003
リリース日 19 March 2010
Free Jamal! 2010キャンペーンのメンバー及び支援者は、今週ヨーロッパとカナダ、そしてアメリカにおいて日本大使館と領事館に対してジャマル・サーベリ氏の収容を解くとともに、強制退去を取り消すよう求めました。
ドイツ、フランクフルト:Shahnaz Moratab とRoya Bahraniの二人が領事館に赴き、西村次郎氏と会談しました。会談ではジャマル氏の状況を説明するとともに、IFIRの抗議文書を西村氏に渡しました。西村氏は日本の当局に対し本件について話をすることを同意してくれました。
ドイツ、デュッセルドルフ:Mina AhadiとShahla Khabazadeh、そしてMahbube SiamardiとAli Moradiの四人が領事館に赴きました。領事館では日本の外務省がジャマル氏のケースについて 関知していることを聞かされ、ジャマル氏を解放するための行動を求める代表団が直ちに派遣されました。
ドイツ、ベルリン: Farzaneh Drakhshanが日本大使館と連絡を取り、ジャマル氏の早期解放と強制送還の停止を求める抗議文を送付しました。
ドイツ、ハンブルグ:Nazanin Borumandが在ハンブルグ領事館と連絡を取り、抗議文を渡すとともに、状況を説明しました。
デンマーク、コペンハーゲン:日本大使館の前でジャマル氏の支援者が抗議活動を行いました。スポークスマンのFarideh Armanが外交官二人と面会し、彼らにIFIRとイラン労働者共産党の抗議文を渡しました。また、16日に再び交渉することを取り決めました。
カナダ、バンクーバ: Fahimeh SadaghiとSolyman Sigarchiが領事館に赴き、佐々木氏と会談しました。彼らはFree Jamal!キャンペーンの抗議文やプレスリリースを渡すとともに、佐々木氏に対してジャマル氏のケースの詳細を説明し、また彼が送還された場合に何が起こるのかを説明しました。佐々木氏は日本の法務省と外務省にジャマル氏のケースについて話をすることを了承してくれました。
イギリス、ロンドン:Jalil Jaliliと本キャンペーンの取りまとめ役であるPatty Debonitasの二人が大使館を訪問しました。彼らは Free Jamal!の資料と抗議文書 、さらにはプレスリリースやジャマル氏の反政府活動の写真などを警備責任者に提出しました。Patty Debonitasは12日にも大使館の第一秘書である横手氏と会談しており、その際に横手氏は法務省と外務省に問い合わせた結果、ジャマル氏の送還が依然として企図されていることを 認めました。
リヨン、フランス:IFIRのYadi Kouhiが領事館に連絡を取り、抗議文書とジャマル氏に関する情報を送るとともに、これらを日本の所管に渡すよう要請しました。
ストックホルム、スウェーデン: ストックホルム連盟のSiamak Bahariが11日に大使館員のユチダ氏に連絡をとり、 抗議文書とジャマル氏に関する情報を送付しました。
カナダ、トロント: No one is illegal(誰も不法滞在者なんかじゃない)キャンペーンのミーティングにおいて、Iraj RezaieとMohammad Kazemiがジャマル氏のケースについて説明しました。そして同キャンペーンの名において抗議文を在カナダ日本大使館に送付し、Mehrane Mahboubiが会談を求めて日本領事館にコンタクトを取りました。
オランダ、ハーグ: Farshad HosseiniとIFIRのFereshteh Moradiが大使館に赴き、政治部門の外交官と会談しました。外交官はジャマル氏のケースについて外務省が注視するとともに、本件を政治問題と捉えていると答えました。また外交官はジャマル氏の送還がなされない可能性が高いと楽観的な意見を表明する一方、日本における難民認定は、法務省の管轄であると説明しました。
1) The International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) はイラン人活動家のジャマル・サーベリ氏の強制送還を停止すべく、Free Jamal! 2010キャンペーンを企画しました 。
2) IFIRは国際NGOであり、16以上の国々に42以上の支部を持っています。IFIRの活動目的はイラン人難民及び庇護希望者の主張を伝えることと彼らの権利保護にあり、ドキュメンテーションセンターを通じた各種証明サポートと情報提供を行っています。
Free Jamal!キャンペーン連絡先
Patty Debonitas(イギリス、ロンドン)
携帯電話: +44 (0) 7507978745 E-mail: freejamalcampaign@gmail.com ブログ: freejamal.blogspot.com
Read below the letter of protest that the organisation 'No One is Illegal' has sent to the Japanese consulate in Toronto, Canada:
Consulate General of Japan
77 King Street West
Toronto, ON M5K 1A1
(416) 363-7038
To whom this may concern:
Mr. Jamal Saberi is a valuable member of Japanese society, having contributed for many years in social and political work. Since 1992, he has been an active member of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran, printing and distributing WPI literature as well as writing several articles against the Islamic regime of Iran, published in both Persian and Japanese magazines and websites.
His political dedication towards denouncing the oppressive Iranian regime both support International condemnation of Iran’s conduct towards opposition parties as well as civilians, and in so doing, has also come to be a threat to this very regime. It is well documented that his deportation to
As an organization that opposes the inhumane deportation of political activists around the world, No One Is Illegal Toronto urges the Japanese Government to uphold UNHRC protocol of Human Rights and both cancel his deportation order as well as grant him the Refugee Asylum status he has applied for since May 10, 2001. Supporting the International Federation of Iranian Refugees, NOII-Toronto considers the forcible return of Iranian political activists to be a violation of the principle of non-refoulement. This principle prohibits the forcible return of a person to a country where their life or freedom would be threatened and is binding upon all states.
No One Is Illegal-Toronto recognizes the immediate threat to Mr. Jamal Saberi’s life, an undeniable consequence should he be deported to Iran. We, as members of a broad network of international immigrant and activist rights groups, urge the Japanese government to uphold its obligations under the United Nation’s Human Rights Charter and grant Mr. Saberi immediate Asylum status.
No One Is Illegal Toronto
This is the report from Mehran Mahbobi of the
We went to the Japanese Consulate today, 19 March 2010, for the case of Jamal Saberi. We took informational materials from the International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) and a letter from No One is Illegal to protest Jamal’s detention with intent to be deported to Iran.
Mr. Koga from the Japanese Consulate invited us to sit down and talk, but tried to make us forget about Jamal and just amuse us with anything else except Jamal Saberi. He did not let us take pictures or film. He interrupted our colleagues any time they tried to talk about Jamal Saberi. But we were able to make ourselves clear about the case and what we are doing at the end.
We gave them a deadline of Monday March 22 to get response from Japan. Mr. Koga said there might be no response at all. I said no response is also a response, and we shall look forward for that too. I also said that to be deported and sentenced to execution by IRI is one thing, and this killing process that the Japanese authorities have done to Jamal, who has had two heart attacks by the age of 42, with a third one on the way, is also another thing. I called that a killing process that they have done to Jamal Saberi and all other Iranian Refugees especially, and mentioned that we know there are more than 300 Iranian dissidents in jail in Japan right now and all of them have applied for refugee status with no answer.
At the end, he tried to put us off from trying more just because there might be probably no answer from Japan at all. As I warned them that we would be there every day till Jamal is free, especially while his health situation is critical and might have third heart attacks after two other ones because of the hardship he has been through in Japan. He was illegally living there with so much pressure from underpaid work and trying to be active against the Islamic Republic for 20 years at the same time. I said to them if there would be other heart attacks and because of that he dies of it, that would be counted as a criminal act directly by Japanese government and we shall pursue it through International Court. He then said he would try to contact the justice minister and police authorities to pass on all information he got from us. He wanted to explain more about formality and asked us for more time but we said we shall be back on a daily basis till Jamal is free and we have to go now which we did and he promised if he gets any news from Japan he would contact us by telephone and let us know.
We were three gentlemen: Iraj Rezai, chairman of IFIR in east of Canada; Mohamad Kazemi as member of “No One Illegal” and IFIR, and I, Mehran Mahbobi, a freelance video clip taker and a refugee member of IFIR.