Our man in Japan Farshad Hosseini is busy meeting and lobbying in Tokyo on behalf of Jamal. Today he met with the Free Union of Worker’s in Japan and its president Mr Yagamachi. Mr Yagamachi said that Jamal Saberi is well-known to the union and its members as a political activist and that they have had many meetings with Jamal. He said that Jamal was very active on behalf of the people of Iran and he was like an ‘ambassador’ for workers in Japan.
Farshad was invited to speak at the executive committee member’s meeting where he spoke about the uprisings in Iran and the demands of the people there. He then spoke about Jamal and his situation in the detention centre. All members of the Executive Committee of the union agreed to wholeheartedly support Jamal and the Free Jamal! campaign and to save him from deportation. One of the first tasks would be to get other unions and organisations, like the National Union of Japan, on board. They also made a financial contribution to the campaign of 50,000 Yen (about £350.00).
Farshad will be speaking at a member’s meeting of the Free Union of Worker’s in Japan on Thursday 8 April about
‘Revolution in the context of the labour movement’. He is also still trying to be seen at the Ministry of Justice in Tokyo.
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