Thursday, 11 November 2010

Call for immediate fundraising for Jamal Saberi!

We thank all of you who helped to save Jamal from the danger of being deported to Iran and getting him out of detention in Japan. However, we wanted to inform you that Jamal urgently needs financial support.

When the Free Jamal Campaign was first informed about Jamal’s situation we contacted friends and supporters and were able to send Jamal some funds. Due to his immigration status Jamal is not allowed to work in Japan - this means he needs regular monthly financial support for his living expenses and also to be able to take legal action to get asylum in Japan or a safe 3rd country.

Thus we are calling on you good people and progressive organisations who have helped us in the campaign so far to support Jamal financially.

You can send your donations to IFIR branches or donate via paypal to

Count me in - Iran

Please specifiy in all cases that the donation is for Jamal Saberi. Please also drop us a quick line at to let us know that you have made a donation.

Jamal very much welcomes your continued support!

Warm wishes

Free Jamal Campaign

IFIR contact:

Tel.: 004631-453346

Plusgiro 200974-4

Tel: 0046-73 717 88 19

Tel: 0046-739096603

Box 11103

404 23 Göteborg Sweden

Orgnr: 802400-9216

Adress: Linnegatan21
